Sunday, 8 June 2008

Many hands make light work!

I'm not trying to teach you guys how to suck eggs here - I am sure you will agree that one element of an effective classroom is organisation.

The first crucial weeks of a new class grouping with a new teacher can be a make or break point.

It is important that the children see the classroom as 'theirs' and not merely somewhere that they sit for 5 hours a day.

To build this team spirit I have often implemented monitors badges. It makes it clear what responsibilities are important to everyone, helps the children to be self-policing and stops any 'absentmindedness'!

The monitor badges can be downloaded here:


Mat said...

Hi there,
Well done for setting up this site..I hope it takes've got a lot of competition already though with the likes of PTUK and so on...

I just wanted to ask whether you plan to actually turn these into real badgest or what? I like the idea but if you change monitors regularly, how does it work?

Will you just stick these on a display board and write the chn's names on them? Presumably you would need to lamintate them so you could wipe the names off and put the new name on?

Good luck with site!!!!!!

Clare said...


I just wanted to say that you have done a great job on your monitors badges, very creative.

I am a new teacher so please forgive me if my idea is useless but i would set up a large task board so all students could see it and each student would have a duty/responsibility to complete.

You could write each students name on something creative eg.frog sticker, and then Velcro the frog next to there assigned duty on the task board. Then at the start of every week you could assign students to different tasks.

I am a new blogger also you will find me here

I look forward to seeing more of your ideas.


Miss Phitt said...

All these teachers' blogs ending up in cyber heaven. So where have you gone? I can only assume work won the work/life battle? xx