Sunday, 8 June 2008

....I know how it feels and I'm here to help!

It's a sentence uttered in every school, across the country, virtually every day. As a class teacher myself, I am forever facing the delicate balancing act of managing my professional life and personal life - sometimes doing both well, sometimes descending into complete chaos!

However, as I have gained more experience as a professional, I have found more and more effective means of making my professional life easier and more efficient; resulting in a happy and content personal life.

So, I thought why not share it with others - especially as I watch those professionals with less experience making the same mistakes as I did. It's time to break the cycle, stop reinventing the wheel and SHARE!

This blog will be a space in which I can share advise based on my professional experiences - and hopefully learn more from the other outstanding professionals that can be found across the country.



Unknown said...

I'm hoping to start training to become a teacher in September and worry that I will quickly lose control of my life, especially in the first year. Can you assure me it improves or advise me of common pitfalls. I don't want to take any shortcuts but I know that I like to keep my thumb firmly on the button of work - often to the detriment of everything else.
Also, I'm running a website for children aged 7-11. Would you mind casting your experienced eye over it and advise me of any huge errors I'm making? Generally I include at least five KS2 items but relax a bit in the summer!
It's at
Would REALLY appreciate your advice.

Miss Phitt said...

This work/life balance - when are us teachers gonna have a breakthrough and find a solution? I hope I can help a little on my blogspot. People say the Sunday Blues post helps...god it helped me!

Anonymous said...

Great. I'm glad to see another blog for teachers taking this kind of angle. I'm a High School teacher and there's even less in the blogasphere on HS level stuff. I guess teachers are too busy to blogsurf. Still, I guess we have to start somewhere.